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Legal Disclaimer
The information provided on this platform is intended solely for informational purposes. We do not endorse or encourage taking any actions whatsoever. The inclusion of the information on this site is meant to provide a convenient resource for individuals seeking information about parental alienation, and judicial oversight in their state. Users are advised to seek professional legal counsel if they have questions or concerns about filing a complaint or any legal matter. The creators of this content assume no responsibility for any actions taken based on any information provided.
This site was created and is being maintained by alienated parents in the United States of America. This site is a centralized hub, where information and stories about parental alienation can be shared. If you are an alienated parent, you are seen, and we carry the same pain you do. We understand how little help, and hope there is out there for alienated parents, and it is our goal to help create the conditions that will provide better results for you and your children. Although we may feel helpless as individuals, as a group we are much more powerful than those who oppose us. By being without our children, we’ve had to tap into a strength within ourselves that most will never even have to attempt to access. Each of us has an incredible depth, and the ability to endure what seems like an endless amount of daily suffering. Although most of us are very tired, we’re also incredibly tough.
This site is not for profit, but you are free to give as you see fit. It does not take a lot of money to host this site, but it does take time and effort to maintain and update on a regular basis. The work will still be done, regardless of whether you contribute financially, but the work may be able to be done faster if we have more resources to work with.
We need your help! Please send your stories, ideas, resources, and anything else you may find helpful to other alienated parents to our email at The most important thing we’re looking for right now are good resources for alienated parents, that are non predatory and have no financial interests. Where can alienated parents find the most information about alienation and what to do? What are the most helpful Facebook groups to join about parental alienation? We want to put the links to these resources all in one place. Another very high priority are memorial pages for those who died without seeing their children again, or those who took their own lives due to the pain and stress of parental alienation.
Welcome to the Alien Nation.

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Alien Nation?
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